Saga of the Swamp Thing: Volume 1

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From amazon (Reviewed by Tim Janson):
In 1984 DC comics hired a relatively unknown British comic writer and gave him the assignment to write Swamp Thing. Moore was given basically free reign on the character since the title was slated to be cancelled anyway due to poor sales. But then a funny thing happened...Moore revamped the character and his origins and changed everything fans ever knew about him. Thus Swamp Thing was saved from the axe and would continue on for 12 more years. Moore's run on the title has gone onto become one of the most critically acclaimed in comic's history.

This book reprints the first 7 issues of Moore's run from #21 - 27. Actually Moore took over one issue earlier but it was #21 that changed everything. In this issue, Swamp Thing, who was thought dead, has an autopsy performed on him by the Floronic Man who discovers that the creature has no human skeleton or organs...thus he is not, and never was Alec Holland as we had always thought. Instead, when Holland died, the swamp absorbed his memories and conferred them onto the creature that would become the Swamp Thing. We of course would later learn that Swamp Thing was actually a plant elemental and just the latest in a long line of such creatures. The Floronic Man would eat one of the tubers off Swamp Things body and go onto a psychedelic trip that would put him in touch...and control of all plant life on Earth. Swamp Thing would battle him over the course of issues 22 - 24.

Issue #25 was a landmark in that it introduced, although didn't name, one John Constantine, the Hellblazer. This would begin a three issue story arc where Swamp Thing battled a fear demon called the Monkey King with help from Etrigan. This book begins a marvelous run that for me culminates in issue #50. Great art throughout by Steve Bissette and John Totleben who came aboard on issue #21. A fantastic book!

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