Houdini: The Handcuff King

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From goodreads by Loyd:
Houdini:The Handcuff King is a straightforward slice of the life of Harry Houdini. It's nicely drawn, and appears to be written for a student's reading level (there are also study helps in the back of the book). The authors make some assumptions about Houdini's escape techniques, and even if they are accurate, they describe things that only Houdini himself would know. The book does a good job placing the reader in the pre-electronic media time period and some of the prejudices of the day, and describes the loving relationship between Houdini and his wife Bess.

From amazon:
Harry Houdini mesmerized a generation of Americans when he was alive, and continues to do so eighty years after his death. This is a "snapshot" of Houdini's life, centering on one of his most famous jumps. As Houdini prepares for a death-defying leap into the icy Charles River in Boston, biographer Jason Lutes and artist Nick Bertozzi reveal Houdini's life and influence: from the anti-Semitism Houdini fought all his life, to the adulation of the American public; from his hounding by the press, to his loving relationship with his wife Bess; from his egoism to his insecurity; from his public persona -- to the secret behind his most amazing trick! And it's all in graphic form, so it's fresh, original, and unlike anything previously published about this most fascinating of American showmen.

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